membership graphic

Are you an ed­u­ca­tor? School re­source of­fi­cer? A lawyer who vol­un­teers in local class­rooms?

Then you have what it takes to bring citizenship to life for students! You are OCLRE member material!


Register to become a member HERE.


Why Join OCLRE Membership?

  • Membership dues will allow OCLRE to maintain free or low-cost services that we have provided to Ohio teachers for many years.
  • Your membership will help us work more effectively to counter what many educators see as an increasing lack of understanding of and participation in civic life by our young people.
  • An individual membership is only $30 per year or $15 per year for college students/pre-service teachers. 


  • Discounts of at least 15% on all OCLRE programs, and professional development
  • Free in-service workshops for your school or district for any OCLRE program
  • Membership dues are tax-deductible


  • Membership is not transferable; benefits may not be assigned to another individual
  • Membership period is from August 1st to July 31st
  • Renewal dues received after August 1st of the new membership cycle will be applied retroactively to beginning of membership cycle
  • To take advantage of program discounts, membership must be active on the date(s) of the program.


Partnering with Teachers to Bring Citizenship to Life

Our Sponsors

Ohio Supreme Court      Ohio Attorney General         ohio state bar         ACLU