Professional Development 

OCLRE provides a variety of professional development opportunities throughout the year including program specific trainings, conferences, workshops on civic education, and authentic instruction methods across curricula! Updates about our offerings can be found on this page, or on our individual program pages.

Looking for a more customized PD experience for your PD day? OCLRE can provide customized PD sessions at your location on topics of your choosing as a benefit of membership, or as a service to districts and curriculum partners. Past offerings have included how to discuss controversy in the classroom, creating C3 inquiry lesson plans, literacy and the law, and more! OCLRE members can book a custom PD session for free provided that at least five teachers will be present for the training. Nonmembers can book custom PD for a $150 honorarium. Pricing is flexible, so please If you are interested in creating a PD session, contact Ryan Suskey at


2022 Civic Summit

2022 Civic Summit Banner

In 2022, attendees joined us for the second annual OCLRE Civics Summit both in-person at the Ohio State Bar Association and online via zoom! Sessions included remediating content, realistic classroom-inquiry, best-practice roundtables, and more! 


2021 Civic Summit

Looking for information about the 2021 Civic Summit? Click here to view a summary of the summit sessions and speakers!


Not a member yet?  You can easily join while registering for any OCLRE program!

If there is a strong interest in your school for a personalized professional development, OCLRE can provide one as with a minimum of five attendees, one of whom is an OCLRE member. For more information contact Ryan Suskey (, 614-485-3506).


Ohio Government in Action 



 photos courtesy of Dave Liggett


Ohio Government in Action is a two-day interactive program that provides educators with effective teaching tools and a renewed enthusiasm they can take back to the classroom. 

Go be­hind the scenes of our gov­ern­ment in Ohio’s state cap­i­tal where ed­u­ca­tors will in­ter­act with the movers and shak­ers in the ex­ec­u­tive, ju­di­cial and leg­isla­tive branches!


2024 Ohio Government in Action
February 27 & 28
Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center (Supreme Court)



Register HERE! (Deadline: February 2)


2024 Conference Pricing

Membership Status
One Day
Two Day
 Member  $80.00  $130.00
 Non-Member  $160.00  $260.00


Sessions each day will generally run from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and will focus on the three branches of state government. Conference agendas are subject to change and will be updated as government schedules are made publicly available.


Hotel Accommodations

For registrants traveling from out of town, there are a several hotels within walking distance to the Supreme Court:

DoubleTree Suites Downtown (located across the street from the Court)

Sheraton Columbus (0.2 mi)

Courtyard by Marriott  (0.4 mi)



Teachers share their feedback about OGIA: 


“High energy, exciting, and engaging! Valuable data and content for the classroom!”

“Inspiring and pragmatic -- ideas to implement immediately!”

“Speakers were engaging, subject matters were relevant, and sessions were interesting!”

Oclreohiogovernmentinaction20170228 0728“I net­worked, learned a great deal, and left with solid ma­te­r­ial I can use. Quite the tri­fecta!” 

“[OGIA]def­i­nitely in­spired some new teach­ing strate­gies and fur­ther knowl­edge in the con­tent area.” 

“I was to­tally im­pressed with the con­fer­ence. I have raved about it all day with both my stu­dents and my col­leagues.” 

 “…a great time and very re­ward­ing pro­fes­sional de­vel­op­ment op­por­tu­nity…”

See the Ohio Constitution come to life

This an­nual work­shop gives teach­ers an in­sider’s view of state gov­ern­ment:  meet with Supreme Court jus­tices, state leg­is­la­tors, cit­i­zen groups and more; tour the award-win­ning Supreme Court Vis­i­tor Ed­u­ca­tion Cen­ter and the Ohio State­house;  ob­serve leg­isla­tive and court­room sim­u­la­tions; and more!

Practical classroom application

After you ex­pe­ri­ence first-hand how in­di­vid­u­als and groups work to­gether to make, in­ter­pret and en­force the Ohio Con­sti­tu­tion, head back to the class­room with ready-to-use les­son plans, class­room ac­tiv­i­ties and re­sources. 


For more information about OGIA contact Ryan Suskey,, 614-485-3506.

Partnering with Teachers to Bring Citizenship to Life

Our Sponsors

Ohio Supreme Court      Ohio Attorney General         ohio state bar         ACLU