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Education.com Civics and Government Printable Worksheets
Use these civics and government worksheets for kids to get a full picture of how the United States's rules were formed and how they are implemented today.
Office of the Ohio Secretary of State – Historical Documents
Links to the Ohio Constitution, the laws of Ohio, election statistics, and municipal and federal rosters of elected officials. Includes voter turnout records stretching back to 1940, proposed constitutional ammendments from 1912 to the present day, and statewide issue history from 1998 to present.
Ohio Facts, Map, and State Symbols handouts
Ohio was admitted as a state on March 1, 1803, becoming the 17th state in the USA! "Ohio" derives from the Iroquois Indian word meaning "good river" or "large river." This site offers lists of state facts and printable handouts about Ohio and the United States such as printable map quizzes, "label me" Ohio map worksheet, presidential birthplaces in Ohio, and more!
Ohio History Connection Online Collections Catalog
A database provided by the Ohio Historical Society. Includes the Ohio History Connection's library, archives and museum databases (books, serials, pamphlets, maps and newspapers); the Ohio History Connection State Archives (manuscript, and photograph collections); and over 140,000 records from the library (archaeology, history, and natural history collections). More than 20,000 records include images.
The Ohio Constitution
"We, the people of the State of Ohio, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and promote our common welfare, do establish this Constitution." PDF of the state constitution from the Secretary of State’s office.
None at this time.
INFOhio - The Information Network for Ohio Schools
A virtual K-12 library that transforms teaching and learning by connecting education resources with the power of information technology. Information is broken down by grade level and subject on the user guide page. A school library log-in name and password is needed to access this site.
Most helpful INFOhio links for law and government teachers:
INFOhio User Guide
Resources for Educators
Digital Video Collection
Educator Tools
Our Ohio
Our Ohio: Profiles in Government is a public affairs video series that profiles offices in state, federal, and local government and includes interviews with current officeholders and staff. It is available free to schools, is supported by positive teacher testimony, and is a particularly helpful resource for preparing for Ohio’s fourth grade proficiency test
Ohio State Symbols Game
Interactive games to reinforce knowledge about such Ohio symbols as the state flower, state bird, state motto, and more! Learning about your state's symbols is a rite of passage for all upper elementary kids. Remembering your state flower, your state bird, your state tree, your state motto and even nickname can be difficult, but learning with online games can make it much easier and much more fun!
Ohio as America
A new online textbook with teaching tools, lesson plans, student activities, assessment tools, videos, primary documents, and an interactive map to support 4th and 8th grade history teachers, prepared by the Ohio Historical Society.
60 Second Civics
Produced by the Center for Civic Education, 60-Second Civics is a daily podcast that provides a quick and convenient way for listeners to learn about our nation’s government, the Constitution, and our history. The podcast explores themes related to civics and government, the constitutional issues behind the headlines, and the people and ideas that formed our nation’s history and government.
This website provides several quizzes to test your students’ knowledge of the U.S. Constitution, as well as a few relating to the founding fathers. There is also a link on the side of the page to bulk order pocket-sized constitutions.
Democracy Class
Democracy Class is a fun 45-minute lesson program that uses video, a discussion and a mock election exercise to equip young people with the skills they need to navigate the elections process and participate as active citizens. Rock the Vote launched Democracy Class with the vision of engaging young Americans in elections through a high school civics education program.
Education | USAGov
This website run by the federal government has poster, video and quiz/game resources grouped by grades K-5 and 6-8 for learning about the presidents, our government, and how laws are made. Click the “Teachers” tab at the top, and then the “government” link to find specific resources about the U.S. Census, citizenship, state legislatures, and voter registration among other topics.
Freedom Summer and the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Available free as an iPad app and on the Web, “Freedom Summer and the Civil Rights Act of 1964” is a game-based interactive learning module from the IU Center on Congress that explores the relationship between the civil rights movement and Congress’s passage of civil rights legislation.
iCivics Games
Don’t just learn civics - play civics! Run for president. Pass new laws. Argue real cases. Students can play games including Do I have a right?, Branches of Power, Cast Your Vote, Argument Wars, Activate, and Supreme Decision.
Interactive Youth Voting Map
This map from CIRCLE, The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, features voting and population data on young people (age 18-29) and older adults in each congressional district, plus statistics from the latest midterm and presidential elections, data on economic, social, and demographic indicators, and more. Visit the CIRCLE website for more maps and voting data!
OSBA “Going to Court” Video
The Ohio State Bar Association produced the following video, which follows an animated character who explores the third branch of government and some of the differences between the state and federal court systems. The video is also available on the OSBA YouTube channel and is an appropriate teaching resource for secondary students.
Closed since 2019, the Newseum's 250,000-square-foot museum in Washington, D.C. was dedicated to the news and offered visitors a state-of-the-art experience that blended news history with up-to-the-second technology and hands-on exhibits. The Newseum's innovative digital classroom NewseumED features interactive timelines, archival videos and downloadable historic front pages with cross-disciplinary lesson plans for middle, high school and college teachers and students.
The Ohio Channel
The Ohio Channel provides unedited, commentary-free coverage of Ohio Statehouse and Supreme Court of Ohio activities to give students an unbiased perspective on government activities. Students can watch live streams of floor sessions in the Ohio House and Senate and oral arguments in the Supreme Court. The most helpful links for law and government teachers from The Ohio Channel are the searchable video library and the live feed.
The Redistricting Game
The Redistricting Game allows your students to get hands-on experience drawing district lines within towns and cities and learn through practice about gerrymandering and equality in representative government.
Ohio Statehouse
The Ohio Statehouse, located in Columbus, Ohio, houses the Ohio General Assembly and the ceremonial offices of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Treasurer, and Auditor. Completed in 1861, the building is one of America's finest examples of Greek Revival architecture and is one of the oldest working statehouses in the United States. The Statehouse website includes virtual tours, an online museum collection, details on state governors, county flags, and much more!
Ohio State Bar Foundation - O.P.E.N. Court
The OSBF has put together videos and resource materials which will help to
prepare youth when they become involved with the legal system, engage caregivers and facilitators in best practices and protect the rights and responsibilities of all during their “day in court.”
Your Rights When You're in Trouble With the Law
The courtroom & how it works
How to be ready for Juvenile Court
O.P.E.N. Court Resource Guide
American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio
The mission of the ACLU of Ohio is to aid in maintaining and extending constitutional and other fundamental rights, liberties, privileges, and immunities, and to take all legitimate action in furtherance of that object without political partisanship. It engages in education and litigation, grassroots organizing and lobbying activities to promote civil liberties.
Ohio High School Government Videos
Introducing a free new educational tool for Ohio government classes – a series of five new videos on topics including state public policy and citizen engagement. The videos were produced by the Attorney General's office with the help of current and former state officeholders. The topics for the videos were identified by a panel of Ohio high school teachers and align with state standards.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
Discover Chronicling America, the Library of Congress’s free digital newspaper database. Access millions of American newspaper pages, including 300,000 Ohio pages. Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1836-1922 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.
Constitutional Rights Foundation
The home of Los Angelos County's Mock Trial program, the Constitutional Rights Foundation (CRF) seeks to instill a deeper understanding of citizenship through values expressed in the Constitution and its Bill of Rights and to educate young people to become active and responsible participants in society. The CRF's website offers free online lesson plans, textbooks and materials for purchase, CRF educational websites on immigration, public policy, religious freedom and much more, and links to additional online teacher resources.
Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio is a service of the Office of Public Information of the Supreme Court of Ohio - an exclusive source for legal news and case information in Ohio, it is the news bureau of the Ohio Judicial Branch. Watch and download archived Supreme Court Cases, previews of upcoming cases, features on court programs, profiles of judges and court officials, and other news and information.
John Glenn College of Public Affairs
“Inspire citizenship and develop leadership” is the mission of the Glenn College. The school prepares professionals for public service, challenges our students and the general public to be involved in the civic life of their communities. In addition, the Glenn College provides applied research that directly benefits the citizens of Ohio and the nation.
Justice Judy
Supreme Court of Ohio Justice Judith Ann Lanzinger's "Justice Judy" blog offers simple, straightforward explanations of judicial concepts and processes, as well as discussions about current developments in the legal profession and the law. Teachers and students can interact and post questions for Justice Lanzinger, herself a former teacher.
Justice Teaching
Justice Teaching is an initiative of Florida Supreme Court Justice R. Fred Lewis; the ultimate goal of this program is to pair a legal professional with every elementary, middle, and high school in the state of Florida. The website offers legal education games, lesson plans and classroom activities for elementary, middle school and high school.
Learning for Justice
Learning for Justice, a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, is a place for educators to find thought-provoking news, conversation and support for those who care about diversity, equal opportunity and respect for differences in schools. Order free Learning for Justice film kits, classroom lessons, access professional development materials and more.
National Conference of State Legislatures
NCSL is a bipartisan organization providing states support, ideas, connections and a strong voice on Capitol Hill. Their mission is to improve the quality and effectiveness of state legislatures, promote policy innovation and communication among state legislatures, and ensure state legislatures a strong, cohesive voice in the federal system. The Research section of the NCSL website offers extensive info and details about the state and federal legislative system, voting, and much more.
National Voter Registration Day
Every year in September there is a National Voter Registration Day. It’s become a national holiday of sorts, with voter registration events in communities across the country. The website offers lots of materials to celebrate the day, including tool kits and links to celebrations around the country. The League of Women Voters of Ohio also offers assistance with coordinating a school National Voter Registration Day event.
Ohio Council for the Social Studies
The Ohio Council for the Social Studies advocates for the vital role of social studies and assists educators through professional development for the delivery of effective and innovative instruction. The website offers advocacy and membership details in addition to publications, legislative updates, teacher resources, free Ebooks, online professional development, and more.
Ohio Government
The State of Ohio's website offers portals to employment information, tax forms, voter information, state agencies and online governement services, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, the state education system, the Ohio State budget, Constitution, laws and legislature, State, city and county government sites, and much more, plus Ohio facts and history, sites for kids, and activity and coloring books.
Ohio Secretary of State
The Ohio Secretary of State website offers detailed voter and election information, leglislation and ballot issues, redistricting information, campaign finance details, and much more, plus Profile Ohio: an interactive overview of the people, places and events that make Ohio unique, complete with an interactive quiz.
Ohio Statehouse School Tours
Tens of thousands of school children visit the Statehouse every year. A Statehouse field trip brings lesson plans to life on such subjects as history, civics, architecture, and more. The Ohio Statehouse Museum Education Center provides guided tours geared to a school group's grade level and curriculum.
Ohio Supreme Court Visitor Education Center
Built in 1933, the Thomas J. Moyer Judicial Center was restored to its original glory and dedicated as the new home of the Supreme Court of Ohio in 2004. A Visitor Education Center features interactive exhibits, graphics and video clips, and murals, plaques, inscriptions and symbols throughout the Judicial Center tell the story of the people who built Ohio. Staff and volunteer guides engage students, leading activities and answering questions. Pre- and post-tour activities: the Educator's Briefcase and Extra Credit Classroom study of a Supreme court of Ohio Case enhance the visit's impact.
Street Law
Street Law is a nonprofit organization that creates classroom and community programs that teach people about law, democracy, and human rights worldwide. Street Law's online resource library has compiled hundreds of teaching activities and methods, case summaries, mock trials, and articles—many of which are free—and organized them by topic, audience, and type. Street Law publications and sample lesson plans are also available on the website.
The Avalon Project
The Avalon Project of the Yale Law School Lilian Goldman Law Library is an online archive of primary documents relevant to the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government. The digital documents encompass texts from ancient to modern times and contain links to supporting documents.
The Center on Representative Government
“What does Congress do?” “How does it affect my life?” “And how can I let Congress know what’s important to me?” The Center on Representative Government answers these questions—and many others—to help Americans of all ages understand how our representative democracy works and their role in our government. The website has a great collection of lesson plans and classroom resources.
The Law & You: A Legal Handbook for Ohio Consumers and Journalists
The Law & You was prepared by the Ohio State Bar Association and funded by the Ohio State Bar Foundation as part of their ongoing joint program to improve public understanding of the law and the legal system. Available as eBook, PDF and hard copy, the book is a survey of law for the non-lawyer; it explains what the law is and how it got that way. Subjects covered include the sources of law, organization and operation of the courts, legal procedure, criminal law, school law, online law and more.
The Ohio History Connection
The Ohio Historical Society is now the Ohio History Connection. The Ohio History Connection champions all Ohio history, including the 50+ historic sites in the Society's network throughout Ohio. The website offers extensive resources to Explore Ohio history through stories, photos, videos, and events, including online archives, geneology information, and an Ohio archeaology blog.
The Ohio Legislative Service Commision
Making laws is more than just a legislator having an idea for a bill. The Legislative Service Commission is the nonpartisan research and bill drafting agency that serves the Ohio General Assembly.
The Oyez Project
The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law is a multimedia archive devoted to the Supreme Court of the United States and its work. It aims to be a complete and authoritative source for all audio recorded in the Court since the installation of a recording system in October 1955. The Project also provides authoritative information on all justices and offers a virtual reality Tour of portions of the Supreme Court building, including the chambers of some of the justices.
OCLRE Newsletter
Past issues of the OCLRE Newsletter, formerly known as The Reporter, can be accessed below. Currently, OCLRE sends subscription-based e-bulletins to teachers, legal advisors, volunteers, and alumni. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Cathy at cgodfrey@oclre.org.
The Reporter
Fall 2018 Reporter by OCLRE on Scribd
Reporter Spring 2018 by oclre on Scribd
OCLRE Reporter Fall 2017 by OCLRE on Scribd
OCLRE Spring Reporter 2017 by OCLRE on Scribd
OCLRE Newsletter Fall 2016 by OCLRE on Scribd
Resources for Talking with Students About Race, Privilege, and Power
This list of resources is compiled for teachers, parents, and community members who are seeking help in having difficult conversations with young people about the systemic racism and inequities present in our society.
Digital Lesson Plans
Click on the lesson titles below to access the lesson plans. Please note, some of these links take you to Google Drive to download multiple lesson components (student texts, PowerPoint slides, etc.).
1. Fifteenth Amendment Inquiry
This resource is a structured inquiry (four "lessons") that invites students to analyze the Fifteenth Amendment and how the United States has expanded (and contracted) the right to vote over time.
2. How free is the Freedom of Press in the United States?
This inquiry is designed to help students explore the right to freedom of press articulated in the First Amendment. Students will look at several U.S. Supreme Court cases and contemporary examples to draw conclusions about the limits on free press, and how those limits have changed over time.
3. How should history remember Thomas Jefferson?
This resource is a focused inquiry that helps students explore the legacy of Thomas Jefferson regarding the practice of slavery in the United States. The Lesson uses a technique called empathy mapping to help students analyze and organize primary sources.
4. "Who the h*** is Diane Nash?"
A direct quote from Attorney General Robert Kennedy about this important civil rights leader is the springboard to an inquiry for students about the Civil Rights Movement in the United States from the Freedom Rides through to the 1965 Voting Rights Act. The inquiry is split into two "tracks" to accommodate the differences in American Government and American History standards.
Our teacher resources from around the web bring citizenship to life with primary sources, interactives, videos, lesson plans and more.
Some of the links listed below leave the website. The Ohio Center for Law-Related Education is not responsible for the content of these pages.
If you have questions about or submissions for OCLRE Teaching Toolbox, please contact Caleb Caldwell at ccaldwell@oclre.org, or call 614-485-3509.