Middle School Mock Trial

photos courtesy of Dave Liggett

Ohio Middle School Mock Trial

About Middle School Mock Trial


Combine middle school students’ love of argument with a love of good literature. Students learn about the legal system by participating in simulated trials in which students act as witnesses, attorneys, and bailiffs/timekeepers. Middle School Mock Trial cases are literature-based, constructed from books commonly read in the middle grades. This gives students the opportunity to argue cases involving their favorite fictional characters. The program was designed with Ohio’s Learning Standards for social studies and English/language arts in mind and is ideal for interdisciplinary teaching.

Program Event/Student Assessment

Participants of OCLRE’s Middle School Mock Trial State Showcase are evaluated based on their performance during simulated trials. Each Mock Trial team will present their case as both the prosecution and defense. Teams are randomly paired against another team, switching sides and opponents in each trial. A panel of 1-2 volunteers will serve as judges during trial and each will evaluate student performance. 

Middle School Mock Trial teams may have between 6-12 students.

State Competition Details
  • When?
    • OCLRE offers three showcase dates for teams to choose from. Teams only participate in one showcase, selecting the date that works best for their schedule.
    • Showcases take place in April and/or May each year.
  • Where?
    • The Middle School Mock Trial State Showcase takes place at the Supreme Court of Ohio in Columbus.


For questions, contact Jenna Lewis at jlewis@oclre.org or call 614-485-3515.



Membership (Optional): $30 annually
Mock Trial Conference (Optional):

$75 for 2 Days

$50 for 1 Day

$25 for Recordings Only

Case Materials (Showcase Piece):

$40 per school for members

$85 per school for non-members

Team Registration:

$80 per team for members

$125 per team for non-members


Sample Invoice




 "Mock Trial teaches students so much more than the legal process.  They develop teamwork strategies, critical thinking skills, and so much more.  The sense of accomplishment is overwhelming after they complete a trial.” ~ Amy Huber, Ridgeview Middle School

 “This is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn about the legal system and to find their voices.” ~ Christine Spinner, St. Hilary School

 “Middle School Mock Trial benefits the students by improving their speaking skills and helping students overcome the fear of public speaking.  It encourages students to think outside the box and dive into subject matter that is not always familiar to them.” ~ Vicky Potter, Danville Middle School

 “The growth you will see in the children is well worth it!” ~ Mehgan Lucas, Trellis Academy

 “It is a great, self-motivated chance for students to focus on presentation skills.” ~ Drew Farrell, Genoa Middle School

 “It’s a fun, unique way to expose kids to the law.  It involves public speaking and thinking on your feet.  I would encourage teachers to try it!” ~ Lisa Koo, Shalom Christian Academy

Case File

2025 State Showcase Piece


2024 MSMT Case Book


OCLRE is writing a new case this year based on the book, The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare. The case file will be released on Thursday, October 31, 2024. An order form is forthcoming.


Case Materials Cost

  Member Rate: Non-Member Rate:
Annual Showcase Piece - Digital Only (per school/advisor): $40.00 $85.00
Past Case File(s): $25.00 $80.00


Additional Middle School Mock Trial Cases


OCLRE offers 11 cases based on books commonly read at the Middle School level. Any of these cases can be used in the classroom as a complement when educators might teach the book as part of the class. 

OCLRE rotates one case each year to be the featured State Showcase piece. If you plan on attending the Showcase, make sure you purchase the featured case for that year.


You may order a past Middle School Mock Trial case HERE.


  • Elsewhere v. Jonas, based on The Giver by Lois Lowry
  • State of Arizona v. Susanna Morales, based on Greystone Secrets: The Strangers by Margaret Peterson Haddix
  • State of Texas v. Walker, based on Holes by Louis Sachar
  • Oklahoma v. J. Case, based on The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
  • State of Mississippi v. T.J. Avery, based on Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor
  • British Crown v. Johnny Tremain, based on Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes
  • State of Ohio v. Frankie Hunter, based on Lord of the Flies by William Golding
  • Benjamin et al. v. Napoleon et al., based on Animal Farm by George Orwell
  • State of Ohio v. Philip Malloy, based on Nothing but the Truthby Avi
  • Rhode Island v. C. Doyle, based on True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi
  • State of Ohio v. Fred Smith, based on Bloodstain by Christopher Rowan 
An additional case, The People v. Dr. Gimesby Roylott, based on The Adventure of the Speckled Band by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is available as a free download. This can give your students the opportunity to practice a whole or parts of a mock trial before diving into a larger case.  

Questions? Contact Jenna Lewis at jlewis@oclre.org or call 614-485-3515.

Not a member yet? You can easily join while registering for any OCLRE program!

Middle School Mock Trial State Showcase

2025 Middle School Mock Trial Showcase


Save the dates for the 2025 Middle School Mock Trial Competition!


  • Day 1 - Thursday, April 24, 2025
  • Day 2 - Friday, April 25, 2025
  • Day 3 - Friday, May 9, 2025

Registration Cost

Member Rate (per team): Non-Member Rate (per team):
$80.00 $125.00


For more information on how to become involved with the Middle School Mock Trial pro­gram, please con­tact Jenna Lewis at jlewis@oclre.org or call 614-485-3515.


How do I get started?

If you or your school are new to Middle School Mock Trial, welcome!

First, you need enough students to start a team. Middle School Mock Trial teams must have a minimum of 6 students and may have a maximum of 13 students on the official team roster.

Optionally, you may attend the Mock Trial Conference in September. The conference is an annual professional development opportunity for new and returning advisors. There is an introductory track which covers the basics of the program and how to get started.

You will also need to purchase the case file which will be used as the state showcase piece. The case order form is typically available in October on the “Case File” tab of our website. Middle School cases are based on books commonly read at the middle school level. 

Below is a quick guide explaining how to get started with Middle School Mock Trial

 "Road Map to Middle School Mock Trial"


Do my students need to read the book to participate? 

No, the book is not required for participation in the program. The case file contains everything you need. However, many teachers choose to have their students read the book to enhance the cross-curricular connection between ELA and social studies classes.

It is important to note that any facts contained in the book but not in the case file cannot be referenced during the showcase. This is something to consider when deciding whether you would like your students to read the book.


I have my case materials. Am I ready to attend the showcase? 

Not quite yet! To participate in the State Showcase, you must register your team(s). The registration form is available on the State Showcase” tab of our website before the winter break. Team registration is separate from the case materials and is an additional fee.  


What are the costs associated with participating in Middle School Mock Trial?

Membership (Optional): $30 annually
Mock Trial Conference (Optional):

$75 for 2 Days

$50 for 1 Day

$25 for Recordings Only

Case Materials:

$40 per school for members

$85 per school for non-members

Team Registration:

$80 per team for members

$125 per team for non-members


I don’t have a legal advisor. Do I need one? 

OCLRE does not require that mock trial teams have a legal advisor. However, most teachers appreciate assistance from volunteer attorneys to help students understand case law, courtroom procedure, and etiquette.  

Teachers often have the most success in reaching out to attorneys in their community. You may ask students if they have family/friends who are attorneys, or you can reach out to other community members. Local bar associations are another resource for locating attorneys who may be willing to volunteer. You can see a list of local bar associations here: https://www.ohiobar.org/public-resources/lawyer-referral-services/.


When and where is the State Showcase?

The Middle School Mock Trial takes place in the spring. OCLRE offers three showcase dates to choose from. Each team only participates in one showcase. At the time of registration, you will select the showcase date that best fits your schedule. There is limited capacity for each date, and registrations are taken on a first come, first served basis. Once a showcase date has reached capacity, it will be removed from the registration form.

The State Showcase takes place in Columbus, typically at the Supreme Court of Ohio. The exact venue is subject to change each year, depending on availability. For the most accurate and up to date information, refer to the “State Showcase” tab of our website.


My school doesn’t have a mock trial team, but I want to get involved. What can I do?

Are you a middle school student? To start a program at your school, you will need a teacher or staff member to serve as the Mock Trial advisor. You will also need a minimum of six students (including yourself) who are willing to be on the Mock Trial team. If you are able to find a teacher or staff member willing to be the team advisor, refer them to this list or to OCLRE directly.

If you cannot find a team advisor or enough interested students at your school, you may be able to join a nearby Mock Trial team. Please reach out to Jenna Lewis (jlewis@oclre.org) for more information.